Two view is now a web service!
By marking the points to be measured then uploading an image of the 4-point plate along with two images of the same scene taken from two directions, 3D coordinates of marked points are to calculated automatically. Moreover, the distance between any two points can be calculated in seconds.
In the new edition
- Now, you can upload images taken by your smart phone as they are, and you do not need to have a digital camera to use the service.
- Originally the service enables calculating the 3D coordinates of any point relative to the 4-point plate. However , now the service enables calculating the 3D coordinates of any point relative to any other point.
Please watch the following video that explains how the whole process is done.
Real life applications of the Two View service:
- Construction site workmanship check (architectural wall, openings, fittings, bridge dyed joint part, earthquake resistance plate)
- Manufacturing check of factory products
- Vehicle body measurements, etc.
International Technology Transfer Corporation (ITTC):
Head Office (Kobe)
Nissei Bld. 4F, 3-1-19 hachiman doori
Chuo-ku, Kobe 〒 651-0085
TEL +81(78)271-6055 FAX +81(78)271-6056
Tokyo Office
17-15 Nipponbashi Kodemma-cho, Chuo-ku
Tokyo 〒 103-0001
TEL +81(3)3663-5090
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